Chinese mainland resumes import of rockfish from Taiwan

The General Administration of Customs announced the resumption of the import of rockfish from Taiwan region on Friday, according to the latest notice published on the administration's website.

The administration decided to suspend the rockfish import from Taiwan for safety concerns on June 13 last year, after finding some banned drugs and excessive antibiotics, including malachite green, gentian violet and Terramycin, from the region's rockfishes several times.

Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said on Friday that the fishery businesses operators of the island have taken effective measures to improve the products' safety and quality. Also, some leaders of the region's fishery and agricultural associations have implemented the industry's regulation and expressed their strong desire of exporting the products to the mainland, Xinhua News Agency reported.

Zhu said that as long as the people from the Taiwan region uphold the 1992 Consensus and oppose "Taiwan independence", the two sides of the Strait are one family. She added that the mainland will continue to make efforts, together with the island, of assisting the resumption of fishery products import in the future, according to Xinhua.

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